
Saturday, 7 May 2011

Alleged Pakistani Cannibals Arrested For Digging Up Woman's Corpse And Making It Into Curry

Two Pakistani men have been arrested for allegedly digging up a 24-year-old woman's corpse and eating her flesh in a curry.

As the Guardian is reporting, the brothers, 40-year-old Muhammad Arif and Farman Ali, 37, are said to have cut the legs and feet from the body of Saira Parveen, a cancer victim, and cooked the flesh in a steel pot. Some of the grisly dish had already been eaten when police raided the brothers' home in a remote part of Punjab province.

Family members had visited Parveen's grave on Sunday, one day after her funeral in Darya Khan, to find her body missing.

Senior police officer Malik Abdul Rehman said the brothers had been eating corpses for at least a year, though other reports alleged that they had been eating human flesh for a decade. Having also reportedly eaten dogs, the men are said to have taken up cannibalism as an act of "revenge" after their mother died and their wives left them.
"The two men, who are brothers, confessed to police that they had been pulling out bodies for the past year," Rehman is quoted by the AFP as saying. "We also recovered the body of the girl with a missing leg, which the two men said was eaten by them."

Other reports claimed the pair's sister and aunt had also been arrested.

Watch a Pakistan news report (in Urdu) on the arrests here:



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